Trending Blogs
June 4, 2024
Renée Giarrusso is a highly sought-after communication, leadership & mindset expert. She is a speaker, International 4-time award-winning author, facilitator, educator and coach (PCC). She works with leaders, teams and organisations to energise mindset and accelerate communication, collaboration and leadership to lift performance and culture. Her sole purpose is to make workplaces exceptional places to work. The team at PRP have been working in partnership with Renée for a number of years across her various programs. We sat down with Renée to talk about her Awaken Career Transition program, which you can read below.
By Shae Demetriou November 13, 2023
Unleashing Communication Skills with a Deck of Cards
October 31, 2023
​In today's diverse workforce, success often hinges on the ability to adapt and evolve. This was the focus in a recent discussion hosted by Wendy Born from Business Value Partners, to members of the National Electrical Communications Authority. Wendy was joined by our Directo r, Andrew Bath an d Senior Con sultant, Ella O’Connell . Collectively, Andrew and Ella bring over 25 years of experience in recruiting across diverse industries and successfully working with millennials and Gen Zs. ​During the discussion, they explored recruitment strategies, steps to creating thriving cross-generational teams, and the benefits Millennials and Gen Zs bring to the workplace. Below we have compiled three key takeaways from the discussion for your perusal. Dive in below! ​ ​What are the benefits of employing millennials and Gen Zs? There are a multitude of benefits that come along with employing millennials and Gen Zs within your business. Andrew and Ella discussed how younger generations are not just committed employees but also drivers of change. They challenge process, modernise business, and bring a fresh perspective that’s vital to stay relevant in today’s world. ​In Andrew’s words, “having the younger generation in our team brings diversity of thought and fresh knowledge. I get to learn different things and new technologies, and how they can add value to the business”.​

Join the Community for School Transformation Professionals

Andrew Bath, Ella O'Connell • July 10, 2023

As a business transformation recruitment business, Project Resource Partners get to consult with companies at different stages in their transformation journeys. Some are highly attuned to implementing and delivering change, others are embarking on a something for the first time, and there are organisations anywhere in between.

Different organisations within the education sector have different levels of maturity and resources. Generally, Universities and TAFEs, have larger teams than schools do, dedicated to transformation and strategy. In fact, schools have historically not invested in change and transformation in the same way that larger organisations have, however, that is changing.

The challenge for schools is that their primary focus has always been educating and preparing young people for their future. With limited funding, and teachers invested in this core focus, they understandably are unlikely to have transformation teams, let alone highly resourced ones. The schools who have begun to see benefit in this space, tend to have a single project or change person working across multiple types of projects. It can be challenging for these transformation professionals to gain the support of their leadership teams and teaching staff as the benefit to student learning outcomes and experience may not be realised until completion.

With that in mind, Project Resource Partners saw the need for a community where the transformation professionals with the school system could come together, share ideas, build relationships and collaborate to help make better outcomes for schools, and therefore students. The community, which had its first roundtable at the end of June, will endeavour to share ideas around best practice, while also learning from industry experts and thought leaders from across industries.

The group is open to people who are working in, or connected to, transformation within primary and secondary schools. If you are working in this space and would like to be part of this community then please feel free to reach out to either:

Ella O'Connell
enior Consultant
+61 406 611 833


Andrew Bath


+61 419 607 662

We’d love for you to be involved in what we think is a very exciting and potentially game changing group.

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