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04 Jun, 2024
Renée Giarrusso is a highly sought-after communication, leadership & mindset expert. She is a speaker, International 4-time award-winning author, facilitator, educator and coach (PCC). She works with leaders, teams and organisations to energise mindset and accelerate communication, collaboration and leadership to lift performance and culture. Her sole purpose is to make workplaces exceptional places to work. The team at PRP have been working in partnership with Renée for a number of years across her various programs. We sat down with Renée to talk about her Awaken Career Transition program, which you can read below.
By Shae Demetriou 13 Nov, 2023
Unleashing Communication Skills with a Deck of Cards
By Austin Swamy and Sara Matar 13 Jul, 2023
From a fancy office building to a simple phone call, the world of recruitment brings new experiences every day. Thanks to our internship, we were able to experience an industry that we were unaware of, but so glad we did! The recruitment industry is a niche yet important field, running to help organisations find the right person for the right job or vice versa. Specialist recruitment companies bridge the gap between client and candidate, building meaningful relationships to make sure everyone benefits. As interns, we had the privilege of experiencing this unique industry and understanding its ins and outs, which are built upon human connections. Recently, both of us were placed as interns at Project Resource Partners (PRP) and this was an interesting and eye-opening experience that allowed us both to learn and expand our understanding of the real workforce. Working almost behind the scenes, PRP are specialists in the recruitment industry focusing on business and technology transformation as well as change management. Putting the big words aside, PRP displayed their ability to act as the middleman between client and candidate and develop relations to ensure the right role finds the right person. The process of recruitment changes a business for the better, across various fields. Even though we had many preconceptions and initially felt anxious, these thoughts disappeared on our first day as we were welcomed with open arms. Being treated as real employees, we completed many of the same daily tasks our colleagues were carrying out, from candidate calling, meeting candidates and sorting through resumes! Speaking with candidates for certain active roles really allowed us to develop our communication skills in a professional setting, to build caring relationships. To add on, our technological skills improved by using certain software, and then assisting in the transfer of data to improved software which was a really exciting process. We applied our intern tasks into our own lives, by fixing up our CVs to be more eye-catching and straight to the point, and better understanding LinkedIn and Seek to use to our advantage. These responsibilities and tasks gave us tertiary students insight into what careers after our studies may entail. From this internship, our hands-on experience broadened our employability skills to make ourselves better employees for our own careers. Our placement was definitely a positive highlight, all thanks to the amazing team at PRP. They gave us the opportunity to learn and grow in a positive working environment, pushing us to improve and obtain skills which are more foreign to university students. However, we can definitely walk away feeling more accomplished and ready for the real working world. Thanks to PRP, we discovered that there is more to recruitment than meets the eye! By Sara Matar and Austin Swamy (Biomedical Science Students at Monash University)

How to approach a career transition with Renée Giarrusso

Jun 04, 2024

Renée Giarrusso is a highly sought-after communication, leadership & mindset expert. She is a speaker, International 4-time award-winning author, facilitator, educator and coach (PCC). She works with leaders, teams and organisations to energise mindset and accelerate communication, collaboration and leadership to lift performance and culture. Her sole purpose is to make workplaces exceptional places to work.

The team at PRP have been working in partnership with Renée for a number of years across her various programs. We sat down with Renée to talk about her Awaken Career Transition program, which you can read below.

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what led you to set-up RG Dynamics?


I am a big believer that every choice we make and every experience we encounter leads us to who we are and who we are continually becoming. I began my corporate career working in a global FMCG company for 12 years, after working at over 15 part time roles during high school and uni. I started as a graduate in field sales and worked my way up to various leadership, brand and sales positions which I just loved. My favourite role was pioneering a new business sales channel which unleashed my entrepreneurial streak allowing me to come up with new ideas and create new channels for confectionery. It also allowed me to lead a national team and grow my love of coaching and leading others. This led me on a personal development journey, studying coaching and NLP and realising that I wanted to work with others not just as their manager but outside of this.

I founded RG Dynamics in 2007 with a focus on making workplaces exceptional places to work where people can thrive. Initially we had a focus on 1:1 coaching, sales training and running a “Career Search Essentials” program to help job searchers get work ready. This program changed me as a person and a facilitator and helped me share and build robust career transition tools that work. Fast forward 18 years and my team and I focus on accelerating leaders and teams within corporate and SMEs with a focus on leadership, communication, EQ and mindset. We do this through bespoke transformational workshops, group coaching and speaking at events. We also run 1:1 executive and career transition coaching. I have also published 3 multi-award-winning books, launched the Limitless Leaders podcast and have co-founded a communication game. Every day I look forward to helping people realise and achieve their limitless potential.

What is the career transition 1:1 coaching program all about?


The Awaken Career Transition program (or ACT) is an invaluable resource for individuals seeking a new job or considering a total career change. The need for such programs arises from the complexities of the modern job market and the desire for individuals to align their skills, motivation, and passions with meaningful and fulfilling careers.

The Awaken Career Transition (ACT) program has been run to individuals from an array of industries for over two decades. This 1:1 tailored program helps individuals transition into new roles, industries, or their own business. The program is designed to assist those seeking new jobs or complete career changes to take a step back and delve deeply into what it is they truly want.

Too often we see people doing what they are good at but not what they actually enjoy. We spend over 90,000 hours of our life at work so I am sure you would agree we should be doing what we love, a role that gives us purpose and taps into our strengths.

The ACT program is structured and provides frameworks, assessments and thought-provoking coaching conversations to help people find their ideal role or bring their business idea to life.


Could you walk us through the key components of the program and how they support a successful career transition?

Key features of the ACT program include:

  • Personalised Guidance: Support and expertise from experienced Professional Certified Coaches who have undergone various transitions themselves. All of our coaches have worked within the corporate world and have also transitioned into starting up their own service and product businesses.

  • Tailored Exercises: Self-assessment exercises to uncover personal motivations, identify values and vision, set goals, and leverage transferable skills for new opportunities.

  • A safe space: The program allows an open and confidential forum for individuals to understand themselves more deeply and expand their knowledge and focus towards career options. The coaching and mentoring program helps individuals reflect, reset and refocus.

  • Emotional Clearing: Techniques are used towards the end of the program to remove any blockages and enhance wellbeing and mindset, preparing participants for future action.

Overall, the ACT program aims to help individuals confidently navigate the complexities of career transitions.


The benefits of our ACT program extend beyond resume writing and interview preparation; participants also receive mentorship on networking strategies, personal branding, and effective job search techniques, significantly increasing their chances of landing a desired position.

Additionally, the emotional support and encouragement provided during the program help individuals overcome career transitions' inevitable challenges and uncertainties, fostering resilience and adaptability.

Our career transition coaching program is a transformative investment for individuals seeking a fresh start in their professional lives. It empowers them with the self-awareness, skills, and confidence to navigate the dynamic job market, make informed decisions, and secure a fulfilling career that aligns with their passions and aspirations.

The tailored program includes a pre-coaching questionnaire and is structured into six sessions:


  • Reflect: Focus on values, mindset, past experiences, learnings, and purpose, with real-time activities to map out key factors for career satisfaction.

  • Recalibrate: Identify strengths, capabilities, confidence, and motivation, explore industries and roles, and review the resume.

  • Re-energise: Debrief on the iWAM profile to identify key work motivators and their application. Motivation can account for up to 65% of predictability of success in any role.

  • Review: Conduct a personal branding review and strategy, including a LinkedIn review and action plan.

  • Reconnect: Develop a career vision and action plan, with job search, networking, and interview strategies.

  • Renew: Complete an Emotional Clearing session to unblock any areas that may hold you back. This is great for wellbeing and focus, with tips and tools to maintain energy and finalise the plan of action.



What inspired you to create this program and how has it evolved over the years?

I was inspired to create this program and continually evolve it as I could not find any programs to refer clients to many years ago. There were programs but they were a tick and flick approach and missed covering the most important area, the person going through the transition. With my background in job search, recruitment and career coaching in corporate and also starting my own company from the ground up, I wanted to share my tools and experience to make what can be a daunting and life changing experience one of growth and excitement. The program continually evolves as the market and world changes. For instance, personal branding and building your profile on platforms such as LinkedIn didn’t exist 15 years ago. There are new jobs and industries being created as I write this. Our program is relevant, real and tailored to what our clients need. The results and feedback we receive are always positive. I feel blessed that my team and I can be part of someone’s journey and next phase of their career.



Your program seems suitable for a wide range of individuals at various stages of their careers. Who would benefit most from the Awaken Career Transition program?

Yes, we service a wide range of people. Anyone looking to change their career, look at their next step or start their own business is who we predominantly attract to this program. Maybe they have been made redundant and are using the opportunity to really understand what they want to do next or maybe they are in a role that isn’t satisfying, and would like to explore their options and understand what really motivates them. Post pandemic we have seen an increase in people who are really looking to have purpose in their work and be part of a purpose led organisation. If an individual is looking to really understand who they are, what they stand for, and know their purpose, strengths and motivations then this program is for them. We guide them through, give them direction and a plan to implement.


For someone considering career transition coaching, what advice would you give them?

The best thing they could do is take a few minutes to reflect and ask themselves “How happy, satisfied and motivated do I feel within my current role?” Rate this 1-5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. Then they could ask themselves “If this was a 5/5 what industry (not role) would I be working in?” These questions can give instant insight and help them decide what to do next. We love to do a Connect Call with anyone looking to do the ACT program. This is a great way for people to ask questions and get a sense check on our coaches and fit for both parties. Transition is exciting when we take the mindset that all change is good and happens for a reason and for us to be an even better next version of ourselves. I love the quote “There wouldn’t be butterflies if there wasn’t supposed to be change.”

If Renée's Awaken Career Transition program sounds like it could be of interest to you, you can reach out to her via her wesbite below.

Learn More - Renee's Website
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