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June 4, 2024
Renée Giarrusso is a highly sought-after communication, leadership & mindset expert. She is a speaker, International 4-time award-winning author, facilitator, educator and coach (PCC). She works with leaders, teams and organisations to energise mindset and accelerate communication, collaboration and leadership to lift performance and culture. Her sole purpose is to make workplaces exceptional places to work. The team at PRP have been working in partnership with Renée for a number of years across her various programs. We sat down with Renée to talk about her Awaken Career Transition program, which you can read below.
By Shae Demetriou November 13, 2023
Unleashing Communication Skills with a Deck of Cards
By Austin Swamy and Sara Matar July 13, 2023
From a fancy office building to a simple phone call, the world of recruitment brings new experiences every day. Thanks to our internship, we were able to experience an industry that we were unaware of, but so glad we did! The recruitment industry is a niche yet important field, running to help organisations find the right person for the right job or vice versa. Specialist recruitment companies bridge the gap between client and candidate, building meaningful relationships to make sure everyone benefits. As interns, we had the privilege of experiencing this unique industry and understanding its ins and outs, which are built upon human connections. Recently, both of us were placed as interns at Project Resource Partners (PRP) and this was an interesting and eye-opening experience that allowed us both to learn and expand our understanding of the real workforce. Working almost behind the scenes, PRP are specialists in the recruitment industry focusing on business and technology transformation as well as change management. Putting the big words aside, PRP displayed their ability to act as the middleman between client and candidate and develop relations to ensure the right role finds the right person. The process of recruitment changes a business for the better, across various fields. Even though we had many preconceptions and initially felt anxious, these thoughts disappeared on our first day as we were welcomed with open arms. Being treated as real employees, we completed many of the same daily tasks our colleagues were carrying out, from candidate calling, meeting candidates and sorting through resumes! Speaking with candidates for certain active roles really allowed us to develop our communication skills in a professional setting, to build caring relationships. To add on, our technological skills improved by using certain software, and then assisting in the transfer of data to improved software which was a really exciting process. We applied our intern tasks into our own lives, by fixing up our CVs to be more eye-catching and straight to the point, and better understanding LinkedIn and Seek to use to our advantage. These responsibilities and tasks gave us tertiary students insight into what careers after our studies may entail. From this internship, our hands-on experience broadened our employability skills to make ourselves better employees for our own careers. Our placement was definitely a positive highlight, all thanks to the amazing team at PRP. They gave us the opportunity to learn and grow in a positive working environment, pushing us to improve and obtain skills which are more foreign to university students. However, we can definitely walk away feeling more accomplished and ready for the real working world. Thanks to PRP, we discovered that there is more to recruitment than meets the eye! By Sara Matar and Austin Swamy (Biomedical Science Students at Monash University)

Generational Games ​– building a great cross-generational team.

October 31, 2023

​In today's diverse workforce, success often hinges on the ability to adapt and evolve. This was the focus in a recent discussion hosted by Wendy Born from Business Value Partners, to members of the National Electrical Communications Authority. Wendy was joined by our Director, Andrew Bath and Senior Consultant, Ella O’Connell. Collectively, Andrew and Ella bring over 25 years of experience in recruiting across diverse industries and successfully working with millennials and Gen Zs.   

​During the discussion, they explored recruitment strategies, steps to creating thriving cross-generational teams, and the benefits Millennials and Gen Zs bring to the workplace. Below we have compiled three key takeaways from the discussion for your perusal. Dive in below! 

​What are the benefits of employing millennials and Gen Zs?

There are a multitude of benefits that come along with employing millennials and Gen Zs within your business. Andrew and Ella discussed how younger generations are not just committed employees but also drivers of change. They challenge process, modernise business, and bring a fresh perspective that’s vital to stay relevant in today’s world. 

​In Andrew’s words, “having the younger generation in our team brings diversity of thought and fresh knowledge. I get to learn different things and new technologies, and how they can add value to the business”.​ 

Why personal relationships with team members are so important. 

To successfully manage younger generations, Andrew and Ella discussed the importance of recognising everyone as unique individuals with their own goals and values. By developing personal relationships with employees, you create a positive work environment and motivate younger employees to strive for their best. 

Andrew sums this up by saying, “giving younger employees the responsibility and trust to complete tasks in a safe environment where they feel supported to make some mistakes and learn is vital. This demonstrates that you see them as a person, not just a number that’s here to work and earn you money”. 

How to recruit millennials and Gen Zs. 

To wrap up the discussion, Andrew and Ella spoke about how recruitment can be time-consuming, especially for small business owners who may not have dedicated HR teams. Understanding where to find the right millennial and Gen Z candidates is another challenge in itself. 

With Ella being a Gen Z herself, Andrew and Ella shared their story of connection. Andrew said, “I reached out to Ella over LinkedIn recruiter back in 2021 during COVID-19 lockdowns. We had a couple of conversations over Zoom and realised we lived close enough to do an interview as we walked around a local park – and here we are today. A hugely successful recruit”. 

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